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Take Time to Think

Sed suscipit euismod eleifend. Donec non ligula nunc. Pellentesque molestie posuere metus nec faucibus. Nam velit nulla, malesuada quis commodo eu, interdum non libero. Etiam ligula nulla, imperdiet nec pulvinar sit amet, sodales sed diam. Maecenas imperdiet tellus at enim interdum et semper ante pharetra. Cras elit orci, rhoncus gravida convallis sit amet, molestie vitae leo. Etiam at egestas orci. Fusce auctor pretium diam sed iaculis. Nullam ut sapien ac lacus tempor convallis. Nulla neque velit, gravida sit amet fermentum et, commodo ut lectus. Fusce sed hendrerit quam. Aliquam iaculis nibh nec dui malesuada sit amet tristique diam sollicitudin. Morbi urna tellus, sollicitudin non consequat quis, cursus in velit. Maecenas mauris metus, varius eu hendrerit ut, mattis nec quam. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse pretium arcu ac lectus porttitor tincidunt. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Arenean nonummy hendrerit mau phaselntes nascetur ridic ulusm dui fusce feu. Cras vitae neque turpis, in luctus risus. Donec et placerat orci. Praesent pulvinar lectus massa, at dignissim magna. Morbi pharetra ante elit, in tempor ipsum. Proin nec nibh diam. Mauris sed mauris lacus. Phasellus id nulla elit, vitae feugiat est. Donec at lorem ac dolor venenatis ultricies et auctor nisl. Ut in congue felis. Mauris venenatis turpis eget eros semper feugiat. Donec suscipit aliquam tellus non vestibulum. Mauris ut justo in erat porttitor vehicula eget sed mi. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus adipiscing vulputate pharetra. Proin iaculis neque lacus, vel lacinia dui.

Open post

A Joy To Serve You

You find purpose in life when you find joy in service to humanity, a labor of love. From the beginning, Chess Heights has been a labor of love. It was an opportunity to bring blessings to chess by using chess to bless humanity. To understand the last sentence well you have to know me, and my history.

My name is Tolulope Ogunwobi. I started playing chess actively in 1996 in my 200 level at Obafemi Awolowo University. I enjoyed the challenge and my progressive understanding of the game made me obsess over it leading to many chess successes. I met with a life shock in 1998 during my 400 level industrial training. I fell seriously ill, an illness which robbed me of success as an engineer but not as a chess person.

I quickly recognized that chess was not a lucrative field and I sought to remedy this ill. I found that for any chess venture or any venture at all to be prosperous on a large scale it must bring blessings to people on a large scale. This is the divine justice of life.

The first Chess Heights service was as an internet magazine wayback in 2006 at this domain . Its idea was to give advertisers and sponsors an opportunity to reach the public through chess as a central topic  thereby bringing in more sponsors to chess from the corporate world because they will now have an audience for their product.

This service met with success in terms of readership but we soon realized we needed to do more for people by giving them regular chess competition to build and stimulate their minds. We launched Chess Heights Monthly in January 2010 and it has survived continuously. We are now furthering our expansion plan for it of being in all states in Nigeria.

Chess Heights Academy is our chess-in-school unit that kicked off in 2014. The corporate structure for these Chess Heights services used to be Chessheights Ventures, a business name registered in 2007.

With the registration of Chess Heights Academy Ltd. and Chess Heights Foundation we now have a bigger umbrella for even more service. Chess Heights Academy Ltd is the limited liability company that houses

  1. Our chess-in-school service named Chess Heights Academy. This teaches primary and secondary school students chess with the aim of stimulating their mind to genius level, developing their character to be outstanding life successes and giving them great chess skills.
  2. Chess Heights Online Academy is our newly launched service through which we teach children between age 6 to 13 chess from a website. Apart from giving them great chess skill, this service also uses chess as a tool to develop kids mind and character.
  3. Chess Heights Scholastic League is our competition for primary and secondary schools. It will exist in every Nigerian state.

Chess Heights Foundation is the non profit corporate structure that houses

  1. Chess Heights Monthly: This will hold in every Nigerian state.
  2. Chess Heights Open Classics: This is a quarterly, classical tournament open to anybody and with attractive prizes.
  3. Chess Heights Closed Classics: This is an elite, invitational tournament meant to boost the strength of Nigerian chess elite and inspire the public.

Our ambition is clear to you now. Please take advantage of our offers to use chess to add value to yourself and/or someone you know.


Tolulope Ogunwobi

CEO, Chess Heights Academy Ltd

Chairman, Chess Heights Foundation

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